Product Description
A durable and colour retaining Sealer. Pudlo All Purpose Sealer applied sealers for porous tiles and as a colour retainer for pigmented screeded floors used in commercial and domestic environments where a durable low gloss seal is desired. Pudlo All Purpose Sealer is a water-based urethane acrylic sealer which, when applied to surfaces will slightly enhance their appearance without leaving a high gloss finish.
Technical Details
Appearance: Milky white liquid
Mixing Ratio: 1:1 (water:sealer) with water as a primer or neat as a sealter application
Density: 0.99 g/ml
VOC Levels: less than 50 g/l
Solids Content: 25-30 %
Coverage: • 4-5 m2/l as a primer after diluted with water
• 8-12 m2/l as a sealer
Recoating Time: 1-2 hours
Drying Time: 30-40 minutes
Packaging: 5L and 25L plastic containers
Shelf Life: 6 months
*DO NOT INGEST, KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. This product does look like milk.
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